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Mondoo 6.11.1 is out!

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Mondoo Core Team

๐Ÿฅณ Mondoo 6.11.1 is out! This release includes supply chain security resources/policies, updated CIS policies, and Kubernetes enhancements!

Get this release: Installation Docs | Package Downloads | Docker Container


Supply Chain Security Resources and Policiesโ€‹

Problem: In the aftermath of numerous high profile software supply chain hacks, you want to secure your software supply chain against attackers. Mondoo provided initial resources, but didn't offer a security policy out of the box.

Solution: Mondoo now includes a preview of the CIS Software Supply Chain Security Guide policy. This policy includes 18 controls to help you secure your GitHub organization and repositories. It includes important guidelines like ensuring all organization members enable MFA and limiting repository deletion to particular users. This policy is in preview as we work to implement more controls and improve the remediation guidance for failures.

As part of the development of this policy we've also greatly expanded the Mondoo git and GitHub resources. We've expanded the data returned in the github.repository, github.file, and github.branchprotection resources and added the following new resources:

  • github.collaborator
  • github.package
  • github.webhook
  • github.workflow
  • git.commit
  • git.commitAuthor
  • git.gpgSignature

Supply Chain Policy

Policy Downloadsโ€‹

Problem: You want to download policies from the Mondoo Policy Hub to customize the policies for your own organization

Solution: You can now download policies from the Policy Hub's policy pages.

Policy Downloads

Terraform State File Resource Previewโ€‹

Problem: Instead of scanning the security of various Terraform configuration files, you'd rather go straight to the source and inspect the Terraform state file.

Solution: Mondoo now includes new preview resources for scanning the security of Terraform state files.

These new resources can be used as part of your Terraform development and deployment cycle:

terraform init
terraform apply
terraform show -json > state.json
mondoo shell -t tfstate --path state_file.json
mondoo> tfstate { * }
tfstate: {
terraformVersion: "1.2.6"
rootModule: tfstate.module id = tfmodule
modules: [
0: tfstate.module id = tfmodule
formatVersion: "1.0"
outputs: []

# root module
mondoo> tfstate.rootModule { * }
tfstate.rootModule: {
address: ""
childModules: []
resources: [
0: tfstate.resource id = aws_instance.app_server

# recursive list of modules
mondoo> tfstate.modules { * }
tfstate.modules: [
0: {
address: ""
resources: [
0: tfstate.resource id = aws_instance.app_server
childModules: []


Updated CIS Policiesโ€‹

We've been hard at work to get you the latest and greatest CIS benchmarks to secure your systems. This week we've updated the following policies to the latest releases with new and updated controls:

  • AlmaLinux OS 8 Benchmark - Level 1 and Level 2 updated to 2.0
  • Apple macOS 10.15 Catalina Benchmark - Level 1 and Level 2 to 2.1.0
  • Apple macOS 11.0 Big Sur Benchmark - Level 1 and Level 2 to 2.1.0
  • Apple macOS 12.0 Monterey Benchmark - Level 1 and Level 2 to 1.1.0
  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Benchmark - Level 1 and Level 2 to 1.1.0

AWS Best Practices Policiesโ€‹

We've massively revamped our AWS Best Practices policies with over 8000 lines of improved queries, expanded descriptions, and remediation steps that include Terraform code to correct AWS misconfigurations.

Remediation Steps

Elevate Privileges with --sudo flag in Local Mondoo Scansโ€‹

You can now use the --sudo flag with mondo scan local. This gives you a consistent way to execute scans with elevated privileges, regardless of the type of Mondoo scan you run.

Improved Platform Informationโ€‹

The Mondoo Fleet view now includes more detailed information on each asset's platform and where that asset is running. This information helps you trace assets scanned in Kubernetes/cloud integrations to the infrastructure code that is responsible for their creation. We've also broken out each Kubernetes resource so you can more easily distinguish between Deployments and the resulting ReplicaSets or Pods they spawn. This new information makes it easier to tell running containers apart from container images or server instances.

Platform Titles in Fleet

Kubernetes Clusters Now Match Integration Nameโ€‹

The Kubernetes clusters listed in the Mondoo CI/CD view now match the name configured in the Kubernetes Integration, making it easier to find your cluster when multiple integrations have been set up.

CI/CD Cluster Name

Add podSpec and containers to Kubernetes Resourcesโ€‹

All Mondoo Kubernetes workloads resources now include podSpec, initContainers, and containers values, allowing you to better secure these resources.

mondoo> k8s.deployment(name: 'luna-frontend' namespace:'default').podSpec{}
k8s.deployment.podSpec: {
containers: [
0: {
image: "nginx:1.14.2"
name: "nginx"
ports: [
0: {
containerPort: 80.000000
resources: {}

Simpler Kubernetes Manifest Scanningโ€‹

You can now scan Kubernetes manifests files without the need to specify the --path flag:

mondoo scan k8s my_deployment.yml

Scanning of Single Terraform Filesโ€‹

You can now scan just a single Terraform configuration file instead of a whole directory of files:

mondoo scan terraform


  • Resolves incorrect CRI-O and containerd socket check titles in the Kubernetes Security policy.
  • Updates remediation steps for some Auditd checks in the Linux Baseline to work with Debian/Ubuntu systems.
  • Resolves errors querying Kubernetes rolebindings or clusterrolebindings.
  • Mondoo Kubernetes Security and Kubernetes Best Practices policies now appear as recommended policies when setting up a Kubernetes integration.
  • Resolves page rendering problems in the ... menu on the AWS Integrations page.
  • Resolves buttons rendering too close together on Policy Hub pages.
  • Resolves failures in some if/else blocks in MQL queries.
  • Resolves failures delivering some Mondoo invites.
  • Properly detects busybox when in containers.