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Mondoo 9.4 is out!

ยท 2 min read
Mondoo Core Team

๐Ÿฅณ Mondoo 9.4 is out! This release includes a number of new stability improvements, as well as a number of bug fixes.โ€‹

Get this release: Installation Docs | Package Downloads | Docker Container

We encourage you to upgrade to this release as soon as possible since it contains a number of stability improvements.


This release introduces a heartbeat for all providers, which guarantees that terminated providers don't leave behind stale processes in memory. It requires the use of v9.1.x or higher version for all providers. These will update automatically. If you have deactivate automatic updates, please manually update your providers. Please also make sure to update cnquery and cnspec to 9.4.0 since older version of cnquery and cnspec do not use the new heartbeat functionality.

To verify that you are on the latest version:

cnspec version
cnspec 9.4.0 (76a83f8, 2023-10-27T00:24:13Z)

To verify that all provider versions are greater than 9.1.0:

cnspec providers list

โ†’ builtin (found 2 providers)

core 9.1.0
mock 9.0.0 with connectors: mock

โ†’ /opt/mondoo/providers (found 6 providers)

aws 9.1.0 with connectors: aws
azure 9.1.0 with connectors: azure
gcp 9.1.0 with connectors: gcp
os 9.1.0 with connectors: local, ssh, winrm, vagrant, container, docker, filesystem
terraform 9.1.0 with connectors: terraform
vsphere 9.1.0 with connectors: vsphere

For Windows and Linux services we improved the reliability of the services for cases where cnspec crashes. This is achieved by making sure that the service does not restart too often. The default restart limit is 3 times.


  • Fix --asset-name flag not setting asset names properly.
  • Fix failures compiling query packs that used variants.
  • Improve failures messages when MQL resources or fields cannot be found.
  • Fix failures reading "Never" time in raw data JSON data.