Prioritize risks that matter

Find and fix the security issues that pose the highest risk to your business.

The Mondoo unified security platform finds and prioritizes vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that pose the highest risk to your business.

Compliance on autopilot
Automatically gather evidence for your audits
Prioritize actual risks
Security findings and vulnerabilities that matter
Asset inventory
Autodiscover and catalog your infrastructure
in Mondoo's security data fabric
Full vulnerability coverage
Prioritize risks like exploits and see how to fix them
All systems
Built for hybrid cloud, on-prem, services, and devices
Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM)
HIPAA Technical Safeguards Standards
Upload custom frameworks
NIST Cybersecurity Framework
ISO/IEC 27001:2022

All frameworks and customizations

Mondoo's pre-built policies and flexible framework allow you to quickly answer any question about your infrastructure during an audit.

All frameworks and customizations

Mondoo's pre-built policies and flexible framework allow you to quickly answer any question about your infrastructure during an audit.

Simplify security with unified security posture management (USPM)

Get started
Enrich your data with context

Mondoo automatically discovers your entire asset inventory and contextualizes findings. This makes it easier to understand their relationships, to prioritize issues and to determine their root cause.

Prioritize real security problems

Mondoo helps teams prioritize issues that matter the most. We analyze exploits, exposed assets, tags, and the blast radius to highlight the things that actually make a difference.

Fix security issues with confidence

Mondoo has helped security and platform teams work better together. We make it easier to understand how to fix security issues even if you're not the expert.

We are here for

Mondoo automates security practices for financial services across cloud, hybrid, and on-prem environments.

Discovery and inventory

Automatically cover entire IT environments

Security risk management

Prioritize critical security flaws

NIST, PCI, and ISO compliance

Automate evidence gathering

Thanks to Mondoo, our bank's security is rock-solid. Their solutions deliver peace of mind in a rapidly changing digital landscape

Full story

Avoid incidents and focus on your core business by simplifying security across IT and OT environments, including smart devices.

Avoid false sense of security

Get visibility and discover hidden attack points

Security for the Smart Factory

Effectively collaborate with platform teams

Compliance automation

Reduce manual cost of audits

Thanks to Mondoo, our bank's security is rock-solid. Their solutions deliver peace of mind in a rapidly changing digital landscape

Full story

Protect your users' data and actively prevent security incidents across cloud, on-prem, devices and services.

Uncover blind spots

Automate infrastructure and devices inventory

Prevent cyber incidents

Prioritize actual risks to patients' data

Simplify audits

Streamline evidence gathering

Thanks to Mondoo, our bank's security is rock-solid. Their solutions deliver peace of mind in a rapidly changing digital landscape

Full story
Across the lifecycle

From development to production and back again, Mondoo seamlessly integrates into every stage of your product's journey, enabling you to address and resolve issues at each step.

Development stage

Continuously observe and secure your entire production environment

Create a full inventory of your fleet, discover stranded and insecure systems, and respond quickly to newly disclosed vulnerabilities.

CI / CD pipelines stage

Catch problems before they reach production

Continuously test in your integration and deployment pipelines, including Azure Pipelines, GitHub Actions, GitLab, CircleCI, Jenkins, and more.

Production stage

Raise awareness and fix issues early in development

Mondoo works like a charm with tools like Terraform, Packer, and Docker.

Tools for you

Use our open source tools

cnquery is your entire cloud at your fingertips

Cloud-native tool that answers all your infrastructure questions. cnspec delivers rapid insights across major technology platforms for developers, security engineers, and DevOps teams.

cnspec is full-stack cloud security scanning

Cloud-native tool that evaluates the security of your entire infrastructure. Using intuitive policy as code, cnspec scans everything and identifies gaps that attackers can use to breach.

By empowering all infrastructure developers across the organization, Mondoo's solution dramatically improves the prospects of a company building and maintaining a robust security stance.
Andy Bold
By empowering all infrastructure developers across the organization, Mondoo's solution dramatically improves the prospects of a company building and maintaining a robust security stance.
Andy Bold
By empowering all infrastructure developers across the organization, Mondoo's solution dramatically improves the prospects of a company building and maintaining a robust security stance.
Andy Bold
By empowering all infrastructure developers across the organization, Mondoo's solution dramatically improves the prospects of a company building and maintaining a robust security stance.
Andy Bold

Featured whitepaper

Are you looking to improve your organization’s security posture? Look no further than Extensible Security Posture Management (xSPM).

Get the whitepaper