Mondoo Platform

Security and compliance in an ever-changing technology landscape

Data collection

Mondoo's security data fabric has built-in data collectors for all technologies.

Gather cloud, workload, API, and device data
Extend to fetch details from any source or app

Mondoo provides built-in security policies and compliance frameworks that check your infrastructure against the highest industry standards.

Automatically run thousands of security checks
Demonstrate continuous compliance
Vulnerability detection

Mondoo continuously checks for vulnerabilities in OSs, common applications, and code runtimes,

Make decisions based on contextualized risk
Solve problems at their source with root cause analysis

Mondoo continuously discovers and updates a full inventory of all assets in your environments. This fully structured data allows teams to effectively make decisions about upcoming changes or evaluate the impact of any security findings. It also avoids blind spots.

High-impact findings

By enriching infrastructure data with risk factors, contextual information, asset relationships, and security and compliance findings, Mondoo provides real-world prioritization and root cause analysis. Stop chasing trivial alerts and one-off fixes. Identify changes that make the greatest impact to your infrastructure security.

Query engine

At the core of Mondoo's security data fabric is a robust and flexible query engine that enables quick, contextualized answers and prioritizes findings based on your risk and compliance requirements.

Mondoo's security findings are built on a continuously discovered inventory of all systems and their relationships in your environments. Security policies are customizable for complete control.


Mondoo automates evidence gathering for audits and continuously assesses compliance. Because not every audit is the same, teams can set priorities, scope, and exceptions.

Unlock the power of Mondoo

Security zutomation

Automate build time and runtime

Increase security engineering and development velocity
Strengthen security layers to defend against attacks
Shift left on security to avoid problems before they reach production
Shift right on security to correct problems in your live environments
Less manual effort, fewer blind-spots, and more consistency
Vulnerability management

Fix vulnerabilities that matter

Rely on a single solution to assess risk in all technologies
Prioritize vulnerabilities based on their actual impact on security risk
Include full context in critical security decision-making
Eliminate false and misprioritized alerts
Make findings actionable for engineering teams
Compliance automation

Automate evidence gathering

Let Mondoo's Security Data Fabric do the heavy lifting
Eliminate manual evidence collection and unlock engineering hours
Aggregate security, risk, and asset inventory information for audits
Prevent accidental changes from breaking your compliance posture
Developer velocity

Supercharge developer velocity

Analyze the root causes of findings
Fix problems in infrastructure as code instead of repeating the same issues
Rely on risk context to present the most efficient solutions
Remediate quickly using Mondoo-provided actions
Risk assessment

Turn off the noise

Prioritize the most impactful findings based on relevant risk factors
Count on contextual data to eliminate misprioritized alerts
Expose systems that are more vulnerable to attacks
Solve problems with the largest blast radius
Reduce the overall risk of your company and services
Tool consolidation

Simplify security tooling

Manage complexity with Mondoo's Unified Security Posture Management (USPM)  
Eliminate the need for multiple tools with Mondoo's built-in engines for all technologies
Provide contextualized findings by integrating with existing tools and solutions
Asset intelligence

Discover and collect assets

Automatically and continuously discover all assets
Provide data to inform technical decisions in security and platform teams
Reduce the cost and effort of maintaining disparate solutions
Quickly answer questions in incidents and other security events

Explore unlimited possibilities

Secure cloud, hybrid, and on-prem technologies of all shapes and sizes
Create custom technology integrations for internal or unsupported assets
Create or customize security policies to cover your internal requirements
Create or customize compliance frameworks for any type of audit