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Mondoo 6.1.1 is out!

ยท 3 min read
Mondoo Core Team

๐Ÿฅณ Mondoo 6.1.1 is out! This release adds additional support for Red Hat Linux and AlmaLinux 9 and improvements for working with AWS and K8s.

Get this release: Installation Docs | Package Downloads | Docker Container


EU Region Supportโ€‹

Problem: Customers in the EU are subject to local regulatory requirements and need the data storage and processing that Mondoo performs on their behalf to physically occur in Europe.

Solution: Mondoo has added a new cloud infrastructure in the EU. Customers can now create and join organizations and spaces in the EU region. All data created and processed in the EU region happens on servers located in data centers within the EU.

Just select the US / EU region pulldown in the Mondoo UI to switch regions.

Mondoo Region Selector

At this time, Mondoo does not support cross-region organizations or spaces.

Red Hat Linux / AlmaLinux 9 Supportโ€‹

Problem: Customers who wanted to upgrade to the May releases of Red Hat Linux 9 and AlmaLinux 9 were unable to use the full capabilities of Mondoo with these new operating systems.

Solution: Mondoo now supports the detection of EOL dates and package vulnerabilities for Red Hat Linux 9 and AlmaLinux 9.


Additional Resources Shown in AWS Accountsโ€‹

Problem: The AWS account integration page sometimes didn't display the information customers needed about their accounts.

Solution: The AWS Account integrations page now displays the number of EC2 Snapshots, CloudWatch LogGroups, Lambda Functions, Config Recorders, and EKS clusters.

Kubernetes Custom Resources Support in MQLโ€‹

Problem: When writing policies to inspect Kubernetes installations, customers need to easily interrogate my Kubernetes custom resources.

Solution: The MQL query language now exposes Kubernetes custom resources for use in policies as k8s.customresource.

k8s.customresource usage example


  • AWS SSM scans should no longer fail due to AWS SSM timeouts
  • Fetch the default registry entries on Windows in addition to the explicitly set registry entries
  • Improve Linux Security Baseline policy queries and remediation steps to reduce errors
  • EBS volume-based scans of AWS EC2 instances are more reliable
  • The filtering of assets by AWS integration now works as intended
  • Add missing UI breadcrumbs from CI/CD scan jobs back to their projects
  • Fix the load more button in a CI/CD project not loading more jobs
  • Fix service checks when scanning hosts using the fs transport
  • Fix failures in the Platform End-of-Life Policy