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Mondoo 11.23 is out!

ยท 3 min read
Tim Smith
Mondoo Core Team
Charles Johnson
Mondoo Core Team

๐Ÿฅณ Mondoo 11.23 is out! This release includes automatic drift detection, GitHub and GitLab ticketing support, improved asset tables, and more!โ€‹

Get this release: Installation Docs | Package Downloads | Docker Container


Added features in casesโ€‹

This release further expands the capabilities of cases, Mondoo's feature for tracking remediation work. Cases let you turn security findings into tasks that automatically export to your existing project management or ticket system. That way, you can track and resolve Mondoo findings in your regular workflow.

New support for GitHub Issues, GitLab Issues, and email ticketingโ€‹

Mondoo now supports creating tickets in GitHub Issues and GitLab Issues, and can also send ticket notifications via email. These options join our existing support for ticketing with Jira and Zendesk.

Create cases automatically on asset driftโ€‹

When scans go from passing to failing, you want to know quickly. Now when an asset fails a check or vulnerability scan that it previously passed, Mondoo creates a case and shares it with your ticket system so you can respond rapidly. Mondoo can even group similar drift findings in a single case.

Case Details Page

New CIS Ubuntu 24.04 benchmark policyโ€‹

Secure your Ubuntu 24.04 servers and containers with the brand new CIS Ubuntu 24.04 level 1 & 2 benchmarks. These policies include 295 total checks to secure your critical Ubuntu systems.


Updated CIS Azure Foundations 3.0 benchmark policyโ€‹

Evaluate your Azure subscriptions against the latest CIS recommendations with the updated CIS Azure Foundations benchmark version 3.0. This updated policy includes 15 all-new checks as well as 69 updated checks.

Improved asset view in policiesโ€‹

Out with the old and in with the new: Now you can view risk scores, risk factors, and last updated times for assets directly from the policy pages.

Policy Assets Table

Shodan host asset overviewโ€‹

Shodan host scans are now included in the "Domains and Hosts" inventory group and include helpful configuration summary information on their asset pages.

Shodan Configuration Data

Resource updatesโ€‹


  • New codeOfConductFile field
  • New supportFile field
  • New securityFile field


  • New exists field


  • New resource with namedLocations field


  • New resource with name and trusted fields


  • New wafConfiguration field using the new azure.subscription.networkService.wafConfig resource


  • New functions field using the new azure.subscription.webService.function resource


  • Improve the performance of EC2 instance discovery.
  • Fix tag filtering in the AWS provider.
  • Avoid errors in the AWS Elasticsearch, SageMaker, and SNS resources when nil values are returned.
  • Ensure that the AWS KMS resource returns all keys.
  • Improve performance of data exports.
  • Improve performance loading vulnerability data.
  • Show risk scores for each CVE displayed on advisory pages.
  • Improve asset category names in the inventory page.
  • Improve performance of checks in the CIS GitHub benchmark policy.
  • Improve the overall reliability of multiple checks in CIS Linux benchmarks.
  • Fix invalid Kubernetes operator installation code in the Kubernetes integration.
  • Improve reliability of inactive asset cleanup in large spaces.
  • Fix some Red Hat advisories with CVSS v3 data incorrectly identifying as CVSS v2 format.
  • Improve the display of data query results in command line scans.
  • Improve cnspec logging when running as a service.
  • When searching for spaces, show the name not the ID.