Supported platform
- aws
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
arn | string | ARN of the VPC |
id | string | ID of the VPC |
name | string | Name of the VPC |
cidrBlock | string | IPv4 CIDR block of the VPC |
state | string | State of the VPC: pending or available |
isDefault | bool | Whether the VPC is the default VPC |
instanceTenancy | string | How instance hardware tenancy settings are enforced on instances launched in this VPC |
region | string | Region in which the VPC exists |
endpoints | []aws.vpc.endpoint | List of endpoints for the VPC |
flowLogs | []aws.vpc.flowlog | List of flow logs for the VPC |
routeTables | []aws.vpc.routetable | List of route tables for the VPC |
subnets | []aws.vpc.subnet | List of subnets for the VPC |
tags | map[string]string | Tags on the VPC |
natGateways | []aws.vpc.natgateway | NAT gateways |
serviceEndpoints | []aws.vpc.serviceEndpoint | List of service endpoints associated with the VPC |
peeringConnections | []aws.vpc.peeringConnection | List of peering connections associated with the VPC |