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Supported platform

  • aws


Amazon ECS container


namestringName of the ECS container + IP for unique identification
arnstringARN of the ECS container
publicIpstringPublic IP address of the ECS container
imagestringImage used for the ECS container
clusterNamestringCluster associated with the ECS container
taskDefinitionArnstringARN for the task definition associated with the ECS container
logDriverstringlogDriver setting for the ECS container
platformFamilystringPlatform family associated with the ECS container
platformVersionstringPlatform version assigned to the ECS container
statusstringStatus of the ECS container
regionstringRegion where the ECS Container is located
command[]stringCommand used to start the container
taskArnstringARN for the task used to create the container
runtimeIdstringRuntime ID for the container
containerNamestringName of the ECS container