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Supported platform

  • aws


AWS EC2 network interface


idstringThe ID of the network interface
descriptionstringThe description of the network interface
subnetaws.vpc.subnetThe subnet of the network interface
vpcaws.vpcThe VPC of the network interface
statusstringThe status of the network interface. If the network interface is not attached to an instance, the status is available; if a network interface is attached to an instance the status is in-use
sourceDestCheckboolWhether the network interface performs source/destination checking (A value of true means checking is enabled, and false means checking is disabled. The value must be false for the network interface to perform network address translation (NAT) in your VPC.)
requesterManagedboolWhether the network interface is being managed by an AWS service (for example, AWS Management Console, Auto Scaling, and so on)
tagsmap[string]stringTags set on the interface
availabilityZonestringThe availability zone of the network interface
securityGroups[]aws.ec2.securitygroupSecurity groups associated with the network interface
ipv6NativeboolWhether this is an IPv6 only network interface
macAddressstringThe MAC address of the network interface
privateDnsNamestringThe private DNS name of the network interface (IPv4)
privateIpAddressstringThe private IPv4 address of the network interface