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Supported platform

  • aws


Amazon EKS cluster


namestringName of the cluster
arnstringARN of the cluster
regionstringRegion for the cluster
tagsmap[string]stringA map of tags associated with the cluster
endpointstringEndpoint of Kubernetes API server
versionstringKubernetes server version
platformVersionstringAmazon EKS cluster version
statusstringCluster status
encryptionConfig[]dictEncryption configuration for the cluster
loggingdictCluster logging configuration
networkConfigdictKubernetes network configuration
resourcesVpcConfigdictVPC configuration
createdAttimeCluster creation timestamp
nodeGroups[]aws.eks.nodegroupList of EKS node groups
addons[]aws.eks.addonList of EKS add-ons
iamRoleaws.iam.roleIAM role that provides permissions for the Kubernetes control plane to make calls to Amazon Web Services API operations on your behalf
supportTypestringKubernetes support policy of the cluster. (STANDARD support automatically upgrades at the end of standard support. EXTENDED automatically enters extended support at the end of standard support)
authenticationModestringCluster authentication mode