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Supported platform

  • aws


AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) Target Group


namestringName for the load balancer target group
arnstringARN for the load balancer target group
portintPort for the load balancer target group
protocolstringProtocol for the load balancer target group
protocolVersionstringProtocol version for the load balancer target group
ipAddressTypestringIP address type for the load balancer target group (IPv4, IPv6)
healthCheckEnabledboolWhether health check is enabled for the load balancer target group
healthCheckIntervalSecondsintHealth check interval for the load balancer target group
healthCheckPathstringHealth check path for the load balancer target group
healthCheckPortstringHealth check port for the load balancer target group
healthCheckProtocolstringHealth check protocol for the load balancer target group
healthCheckTimeoutSecondsintHealth check timeout seconds for the load balancer target group
targetTypestringTarget type for the for the load balancer target group (instance, IP, Lambda, ALB)
unhealthyThresholdCountintUnhealthy threshold count for the load balancer target group
vpcaws.vpcVPC for the load balancer target group
ec2Targets[]aws.ec2.instanceEC2 targets for the load balancer target group
lambdaTargets[]aws.lambda.functionLambda targets for the load balancer target group