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Supported platform

  • aws


Amazon EKS managed node group


namestringName for the EKS node group
arnstringARN for the EKS node group
regionstringRegion for the EKS node group
createdAttimeTime when the EKS node group was created
modifiedAttimeTime when the EKS node group was last modified
statusstringStatus for the EKS node group
capacityTypestringCapacity type for the EKS node group (ON_DEMAND, SPOT)
scalingConfigdictScaling configuration for the EKS node group
instanceTypes[]stringInstance types for the EKS node group
amiTypestringAMI type for the EKS node group
nodeRoleaws.iam.roleIAM role for the EKS node group
diskSizeintDisk size for the EKS node group
labelsmap[string]stringKubernetes labels applied to the EKS node group
tagsmap[string]stringTags for the EKS node group
autoscalingGroups[]aws.autoscaling.groupList of autoscaling groups for the node group