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Supported platform

  • aws


Amazon VPC Peering Connection Peering VPC


allowDnsResolutionFromRemoteVpcboolWhether DNS resolution from the remote VPC is allowed
allowEgressFromLocalClassicLinkToRemoteVpcboolWhether egress is allowed from a local classic link to the remote VPC
allowEgressFromLocalVpcToRemoteClassicLinkboolWhether egress is allowed from a local VPC to a classic link
ipv4CiderBlocks[]stringList of IPv4 CIDR blocks for peering connection
ipv6CiderBlocks[]stringList of IPv6 CIDR blocks for peering connection
ownerIDstringOwner ID of the peering connection
regionstringRegion of the peering connection
vpcaws.vpcVPC associated with the peering connection (populated if it's in the same account)
vpcIdstringID of the VPC associated with the peering connection