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Supported platform

  • aws


Amazon EC2 security group

The aws.ec2.securitygroup resource provides fields for assessing the configuration of security groups within an AWS account. For usage, see aws.ec2 resource documentation.


arnstringSecurity group ARN
idstringSecurity group ID
namestringName of the security group
descriptionstringDescription of the security group
tagsmap[string]stringA map of tags associated with the security group
vpcaws.vpcVPC associated with the security group
ipPermissions[]aws.ec2.securitygroup.ippermissionIP permissions (ingress) for the security group
ipPermissionsEgress[]aws.ec2.securitygroup.ippermissionIP permissions (egress) for the security group
regionstringRegion associated with the security group
isAttachedToNetworkInterfaceboolWhether the security group is attached to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud