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Supported platform

  • aws


Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

Use the aws.rds resource to assess the configuration of AWS RDS deployments. The resource returns lists of aws.rds.dbcluster, aws.rds.dbinstance, and aws.rds.snapshot resources, each with fields for assessing the configuration of those assets.


dbInstances[]aws.rds.dbinstanceDeprecated: Use instances instead
instances[]aws.rds.dbinstanceList of database instances
dbClusters[]aws.rds.dbclusterDeprecated: Use clusters instead
clusters[]aws.rds.dbclusterList of RDS database clusters
allPendingMaintenanceActions[]aws.rds.pendingMaintenanceActionList of all pending maintenance actions for the database instance


Check whether RDS DB instances have backups enabled

aws.rds.dbInstances.all(snapshots.length > 0)

Check whether high availability is enabled for all rds instances

aws.rds.dbInstances.all(multiAZ == true)

Return a list of RDS Clusters across all regions where snapshots are not encrypted and return the arn region and id for the cluster

aws.rds.dbClusters { snapshots.where( encrypted == false) } { arn region id }
