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Supported platform

  • aws


Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) Queue


arnstringARN for the queue
createdAttimeTime when the queue was created
deadLetterQueueaws.sqs.queueDead letter SQS queue, if any
deliveryDelaySecondsintDelay seconds set on the queue
kmsKeyaws.kms.keyKMS Key for SSE, if any
lastModifiedtimeTime when the queue was last modified
maxReceiveCountintMaximum amount of messages that can be received by the queue
maximumMessageSizeintMaximum message size for the queue
messageRetentionPeriodSecondsintTime in seconds the queue retains messages
receiveMessageWaitTimeSecondsintTime in seconds the queue waits for messages
regionstringRegion for the queue
sqsManagedSseEnabledboolWhether SSE is enabled for the queue
queueTypestringType of queue: Fifo or Standard
urlstringURL for the queue
visibilityTimeoutSecondsintVisibility timeout for the queue