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Supported platform

  • aws


Amazon RDS database instance

The aws.rds.dbinstance resource provides fields for assessing the configuration of RDS instances. For usage, read the aws.rds resource documentation.


arnstringARN for the database instance
idstringIdentifier for the database instance
namestringName of the database instance
backupRetentionPeriodintNumber of days automated snapshots are retained
snapshots[]aws.rds.snapshotList of snapshots for the database instance
storageEncryptedboolWhether the instance is encrypted
storageAllocatedintAmount of storage, in GiB, provisioned on the instance
storageIopsintStorage IOPS provisioned on the instance
storageTypestringType of storage provisioned on the instance
regionstringRegion where the instance exists
availabilityZonestringAvailability zone where the instance exists
publiclyAccessibleboolWhether the instance is publicly accessible. Note: This will only return a value for non-Aurora Multi-AZ DB clusters
enabledCloudwatchLogsExports[]stringList of log types the instance is configured to export to CloudWatch logs
deletionProtectionboolWhether deletion protection is enabled
multiAZboolWhether the instance is a Multi-AZ deployment
monitoringIntervalintInterval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected
enhancedMonitoringResourceArnstringARN of the CloudWatch log stream that receives the enhanced monitoring metrics data
tagsmap[string]stringTags for the database instance
dbInstanceClassstringName of the compute and memory capacity class of the database instance
dbInstanceIdentifierstringUser-supplied unique key that identifies a database instance
enginestringName of the database engine for this database instance
engineVersionstringVersion of the database engine for this database instance
securityGroups[]aws.ec2.securitygroupList of VPC security group elements that the database instance belongs to
statusstringCurrent state of this database
autoMinorVersionUpgradeboolWhether minor version patches are applied automatically
createdTimetimeDeprecated (use createdAt instead)
createdAttimeDate and time the RDS instance was created
portintPort that the database instance listens on. If the database instance is part of a DB cluster, this can be a different port than the DB cluster port.
endpointstringConnection endpoint for the database instance
masterUsernamestringMaster username for the database instance
latestRestorableTimetimeLatest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-time restore
backupSettings[]aws.rds.backupsettingBackup setting for the database instance
subnets[]aws.vpc.subnetSubnet for the RDS instance
engineLifecycleSupportstringLife cycle type for the database engine. By default, this value is set to open-source-rds-extended-support, which enrolls your DB engine into Amazon RDS Extended Support. At the end of standard support, you can avoid charges for Extended Support by setting the value to open-source-rds-extended-support-disabled. In this case, creating the DB engine will fail if the DB major version is past its end of standard support date.
certificateExpiresAttimeExpiration date for the instance certificate
certificateAuthoritystringID of the Certificate Authority
iamDatabaseAuthenticationboolWhether IAM database authentication is enabled
customIamInstanceProfilestringAssigned IAM instance profile
activityStreamModestringMode of the database activity stream
activityStreamStatusstringStatus of the database activity stream
pendingMaintenanceActions[]aws.rds.pendingMaintenanceActionList of pending maintenance actions for the database instance
networkTypestringNetwork type of the DB instance
preferredMaintenanceWindowstringPreferred maintenance window for the database cluster
preferredBackupWindowstringPreferred backup window for the database cluster