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Supported platform

  • aws


Amazon Neptune instance


arnstringARN for the instance
namestringName of the instance
clusterIdentifierstringUser-supplied DB cluster identifier
autoMinorVersionUpgradeboolWhether minor version patches are applied automatically
availabilityZonestringName of the availability zone
backupRetentionPeriodintNumber of days automatic DB snapshots are retained
instanceClassstringName of the compute and memory capacity class
statusstringStatus of the instance
portintPort on which the database engine is listening
deletionProtectionboolWhether the instance has deletion protection enabled
enabledCloudwatchLogsExports[]stringList of log types that this DB instance is configured to export to CloudWatch logs
endpointdictConnection endpoint
enginestringName of the database engine
engineVersionstringDatabase engine version
enhancedMonitoringResourceArnstringAmazon CloudWatch Log ARN log stream to which the database writes the audit log
iamDatabaseAuthenticationEnabledboolWhether mapping of Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts is enabled
createdAttimeTime when the cluster was created
kmsKeyIdstringAmazon KMS key identifier for the encrypted DB instance
latestRestorableTimetimeLatest time to which a database can be restored
monitoringIntervalintInterval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected
monitoringRoleArnstringARN for the IAM role that permits Neptune to send Enhanced Monitoring metrics to Amazon CloudWatch Logs
multiAZboolWhether the cluster has instances in multiple availability zones
preferredBackupWindowstringDaily time range during which automated backups are created
preferredMaintenanceWindowstringWeekly time range during which system maintenance can occur
promotionTierintOrder in which a Read Replica is promoted
regionstringRegion where the cluster exists
storageEncryptedboolWhether the DB cluster is encrypted
storageTypestringStorage type
tdeCredentialArnstringKey store with which the instance is associated for TDE encryption