Supported platform
- aws
Amazon EKS managed node group
name | string | Name for the EKS node group |
arn | string | ARN for the EKS node group |
region | string | Region for the EKS node group |
createdAt | time | Time when the EKS node group was created |
modifiedAt | time | Time when the EKS node group was last modified |
status | string | Status for the EKS node group |
capacityType | string | Capacity type for the EKS node group (ON_DEMAND, SPOT) |
scalingConfig | dict | Scaling configuration for the EKS node group |
instanceTypes | []string | Instance types for the EKS node group |
amiType | string | AMI type for the EKS node group |
nodeRole | aws.iam.role | IAM role for the EKS node group |
diskSize | int | Disk size for the EKS node group |
labels | map[string]string | Kubernetes labels applied to the EKS node group |
tags | map[string]string | Tags for the EKS node group |
autoscalingGroups | [] | List of autoscaling groups for the node group |