Supported platform
- gcp
Google Cloud (GCP) KMS crypto key version
resourcePath | string | Full resource path |
name | string | Crypto key version name |
state | string | Crypto key version's current state |
protectionLevel | string | Protection level describing how crypto operations perform with this crypto key version |
algorithm | string | Algorithm that the crypto key version supports |
attestation | gcp.project.kmsService.keyring.cryptokey.version.attestation | Statement generated and signed by HSM at key creation time |
created | time | Time created |
generated | time | Time generated |
destroyed | time | Time destroyed |
destroyEventTime | time | Destroy event timestamp |
importJob | string | Name of the import job used in the most recent import of the crypto key version |
importTime | time | Time at which this crypto key version's key material was imported |
importFailureReason | string | The root cause of an import failure |
externalProtectionLevelOptions | gcp.project.kmsService.keyring.cryptokey.version.externalProtectionLevelOptions | Additional fields for configuring external protection level |
reimportEligible | bool | Whether the crypto key version is eligible for reimport |