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Supported platform

  • gcp


Google Cloud (GCP) Run service revision template


idstringInternal ID
projectIdstringProject ID
namestringRevision name
labelsmap[string]stringUser-provided labels
annotationsmap[string]stringUnstructured key-value map that may be set by external tools to store an arbitrary metadata
scalingdictScaling settings
vpcAccessdictVPC access configuration
timeouttimeMaximum allowed time for an instance to respond to a request
serviceAccountEmailstringEmail address of the IAM service account associated with the revision of the service
serviceAccountgcp.project.iamService.serviceAccountIAM service account associated with the revision of the service
containers[]gcp.project.cloudRunService.containerContainers for this revision
volumes[]dictList of volumes to make available to containers
executionEnvironmentstringSandbox environment to host the revision
encryptionKeystringReference to a customer-managed encryption key to use to encrypt this container image
maxInstanceRequestConcurrencyintMaximum number of requests that each serving instance can receive
