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Supported platform

  • gcp


Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster endpoint config


idstringInternal ID
projectIdstringProject ID
confidentialInstancedictConfidential instance configuration
internalIpOnlyboolWhether the cluster has only internal IP addresses
metadatamap[string]stringCompute Engine metadata entries
networkUristringCompute Engine network to be used for machine communications
nodeGroupAffinitydictNode group affinity for sole-tenant clusters
privateIpv6GoogleAccessstringType of IPv6 access for the cluster
reservationAffinitygcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.config.gceCluster.reservationAffinityReservation affinity for consuming zonal reservations
serviceAccountEmailstringEmail of the service account used by the Dataproc cluster VM instances
serviceAccountgcp.project.iamService.serviceAccountService account used by the Dataproc cluster VM instances
serviceAccountScopes[]stringURIs of service account scopes to be included in Compute Engine instances
shieldedInstanceConfiggcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.config.gceCluster.shieldedInstanceConfigShielded instance config for clusters using Compute Engine Shielded VMs
subnetworkUristringCompute Engine subnetwork to use for machine communications
tags[]stringCompute Engine tags
zoneUristringZone where the Compute Engine cluster is located
