Google Cloud Platform (GCP) MQL Resource Pack Reference
The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) resource pack lets you use MQL to query and assess the security of your Google cloud services.
Resources included in this pack:
gcp.accessApprovalSettings | Google Cloud (GCP) access approval settings |
gcp.essentialContact | Google Cloud (GCP) contact |
gcp.folder | Google Cloud (GCP) folder |
gcp.folders | Google Cloud (GCP) folders |
gcp.organization | Google Cloud (GCP) organization |
gcp.project | Google Cloud (GCP) project |
gcp.project.apiKey | Google Cloud (GCP) project API key |
gcp.project.apiKey.restrictions | Google Cloud (GCP) project API key restrictions |
gcp.project.bigqueryService | Google Cloud (GCP) BigQuery resources |
gcp.project.bigqueryService.dataset | Google Cloud (GCP) BigQuery dataset |
gcp.project.bigqueryService.dataset.accessEntry | Google Cloud (GCP) BigQuery dataset access entry |
gcp.project.bigqueryService.model | Google Cloud (GCP) BigQuery ML model |
gcp.project.bigqueryService.routine | Google Cloud (GCP) BigQuery routine |
gcp.project.bigqueryService.table | Google Cloud (GCP) BigQuery table |
gcp.project.binaryAuthorizationControl | |
gcp.project.binaryAuthorizationControl.admissionRule | |
gcp.project.binaryAuthorizationControl.policy | |
gcp.project.cloudFunction | GCP cloud function |
gcp.project.cloudRunService | Google Cloud (GCP) Run resources |
gcp.project.cloudRunService.condition | Google Cloud (GCP) Run condition |
gcp.project.cloudRunService.container | Google Cloud (GCP) Run service revision template container |
gcp.project.cloudRunService.container.probe | Google Cloud (GCP) Run service revision template container probe |
gcp.project.cloudRunService.job | Google Cloud (GCP) Run job |
gcp.project.cloudRunService.job.executionTemplate | Google Cloud (GCP) Run job execution template |
gcp.project.cloudRunService.job.executionTemplate.taskTemplate | Google Cloud (GCP) Run job execution template task template |
gcp.project.cloudRunService.operation | Google Cloud (GCP) Run operation |
gcp.project.cloudRunService.service | Google Cloud (GCP) Run service |
gcp.project.cloudRunService.service.revisionTemplate | Google Cloud (GCP) Run service revision template |
gcp.project.computeService | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute Engine |
gcp.project.computeService.address | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute address |
gcp.project.computeService.attachedDisk | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute attached disk |
gcp.project.computeService.backendService | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute backend service |
gcp.project.computeService.backendService.backend | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute backend service backend |
gcp.project.computeService.backendService.cdnPolicy | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute backend service CDN policy |
gcp.project.computeService.disk | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute persistent disk |
gcp.project.computeService.firewall | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute firewall |
gcp.project.computeService.forwardingRule | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute forwarding rules |
gcp.project.computeService.image | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute |
gcp.project.computeService.instance | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute instances |
gcp.project.computeService.machineType | Google Cloud (GCP) machine type | | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute VPC network resource |
gcp.project.computeService.region | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute region |
gcp.project.computeService.router | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute cloud router |
gcp.project.computeService.serviceaccount | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute service account |
gcp.project.computeService.snapshot | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute persistent disk snapshot |
gcp.project.computeService.subnetwork | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute VPC network partitioning |
gcp.project.computeService.subnetwork.logConfig | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute VPC network partitioning log configuration | | Google Cloud (GCP) Compute zone |
gcp.project.dataprocService | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc resources |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.config | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster config |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.config.gceCluster | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster endpoint config |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.config.gceCluster.reservationAffinity | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster GCE cluster reservation affinity config |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.config.gceCluster.shieldedInstanceConfig | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster GCE cluster shielded instance config |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.config.gkeCluster | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster GKE cluster config |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.config.instance | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster instance config |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.config.instance.diskConfig | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster instance disk config |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.config.lifecycle | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster lifecycle config |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.status | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster status |
gcp.project.dataprocService.cluster.virtualClusterConfig | Google Cloud (GCP) Dataproc cluster virtual cluster config |
gcp.project.dnsService | Google Cloud (GCP) DNS |
gcp.project.dnsService.managedzone | Google Cloud (GCP) DNS managed zone (a resource that represents a DNS zone hosted by the Cloud DNS service) |
gcp.project.dnsService.policy | Google Cloud (GCP) DNS rules applied to one or more Virtual Private Cloud resources |
gcp.project.dnsService.recordset | Google Cloud (GCP) DNS record set |
gcp.project.gkeService | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.addonsConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster addons config |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.ipAllocationPolicy | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster IP allocation policy |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.networkConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster network config |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster node pool |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.accelerator | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool hardware accelerators configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.accelerator.gpuSharingConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) GPU sharing configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.advancedMachineFeatures | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool advanced machine features configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.confidentialNodes | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool confidential nodes configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.gcfsConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool GCFS configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.gvnicConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool gVNIC configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.kubeletConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Node Pool kubelet configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.linuxNodeConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool parameters that can be configured on Linux nodes |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.nodeTaint | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Kubernetes node taint |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.sandboxConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool sandbox configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.config.shieldedInstanceConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool shielded instance configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.networkConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool-Level network configuration |
gcp.project.gkeService.cluster.nodepool.networkConfig.performanceConfig | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) node pool network performance configuration |
gcp.project.iamService | Google Cloud (GCP) IAM resources |
gcp.project.iamService.serviceAccount | Google Cloud (GCP) service account |
gcp.project.iamService.serviceAccount.key | Google Cloud (GCP) service account keys |
gcp.project.kmsService | GCP KMS resources |
gcp.project.kmsService.keyring | Google Cloud (GCP) KMS keyring |
gcp.project.kmsService.keyring.cryptokey | Google Cloud (GCP) KMS crypto key |
gcp.project.kmsService.keyring.cryptokey.version | Google Cloud (GCP) KMS crypto key version |
gcp.project.kmsService.keyring.cryptokey.version.attestation | GCP KMS crypto key version attestation |
gcp.project.kmsService.keyring.cryptokey.version.attestation.certificatechains | Google Cloud (GCP) KMS crypto key version attestation certificate chains |
gcp.project.kmsService.keyring.cryptokey.version.externalProtectionLevelOptions | Google Cloud (GCP) KMS crypto key version external protection level options |
gcp.project.loggingservice | Google Cloud (GCP) Logging resources |
gcp.project.loggingservice.bucket | Google Cloud (GCP) Logging bucket |
gcp.project.loggingservice.bucket.indexConfig | Google Cloud (GCP) Logging bucket index config |
gcp.project.loggingservice.metric | Google Cloud (GCP) Logging metric |
gcp.project.loggingservice.sink | GCP Logging sink |
gcp.project.monitoringService | Google Cloud (GCP) monitoring resources |
gcp.project.monitoringService.alertPolicy | Google Cloud (GCP) monitoring alert policy |
gcp.project.pubsubService | Google Cloud (GCP) Pub/Sub resources |
gcp.project.pubsubService.snapshot | Google Cloud (GCP) Pub/Sub snapshot |
gcp.project.pubsubService.subscription | Google Cloud (GCP) Pub/Sub subscription |
gcp.project.pubsubService.subscription.config | Google Cloud (GCP) Pub/Sub subscription configuration |
gcp.project.pubsubService.subscription.config.pushconfig | GCP Pub/Sub configuration for subscriptions that operate in push mode |
gcp.project.pubsubService.topic | Google Cloud (GCP) Pub/Sub topic |
gcp.project.pubsubService.topic.config | Google Cloud (GCP) Pub/Sub topic configuration |
gcp.project.pubsubService.topic.config.messagestoragepolicy | Google Cloud (GCP) Pub/Sub topic message storage policy |
gcp.project.sqlService | Google Cloud (GCP) SQL resources |
gcp.project.sqlService.instance | Google Cloud (GCP) SQL instance |
gcp.project.sqlService.instance.database | Google Cloud (GCP) SQL instance database |
gcp.project.sqlService.instance.ipMapping | Google Cloud (GCP) SQL instance IP mapping |
gcp.project.sqlService.instance.settings | Google Cloud (GCP) SQL instance settings |
gcp.project.sqlService.instance.settings.backupconfiguration | Google Cloud (GCP) SQL instance settings backup configuration |
gcp.project.sqlService.instance.settings.denyMaintenancePeriod | Google Cloud (GCP) SQL instance settings deny maintenance period |
gcp.project.sqlService.instance.settings.ipConfiguration | Google Cloud (GCP) SQL instance settings IP configuration |
gcp.project.sqlService.instance.settings.maintenanceWindow | Google Cloud (GCP) SQL instance settings maintenance window |
gcp.project.sqlService.instance.settings.passwordValidationPolicy | Google Cloud (GCP) SQL instance settings password validation policy |
gcp.project.storageService | Google Cloud (GCP) Storage |
gcp.project.storageService.bucket | Google Cloud (GCP) Storage bucket |
gcp.projects | Google Cloud (GCP) projects |
gcp.recommendation | Google Cloud (GCP) recommendation and suggested action |
gcp.resourcemanager.binding | Google Cloud (GCP) Resource Manager binding |
gcp.service | Google Cloud (GCP) service |