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VMware Cloud Director VM resource


idstringID for the standalone VM in the VDC
namestringName of the standalone VM in the VDC
containerNamestringThe name of the containing vApp or vApp template
containerIDstringvApp or vApp template ID
ownerIdstringOwner ID of the VM
ownerNamestringOwner name of the VM
isDeletedboolWhether the entity is deleted
guestOsstringGuest operating system
numberOfCpusintNumber of CPUs
memoryMBintMemory in MB
networkNamestringNetwork name
ipAddressstringIP Address of the VM on the primary network
isBusyboolWhether the VM is busy
isDeployedboolWhether the VM is deployed
isPublishedboolWhether the VM is in a published catalog
catalogNamestringCatalog name
hardwareVersionintHardware version
vmToolsStatusstringVM tools status
isInMaintenanceModeboolWhether the VM is in maintenance mode
isAutoNatureboolWhether the parent vApp is a managed vApp
storageProfileNamestringStorage profile name
gcStatusstringGC status of this VM
isComputePolicyCompliantboolWhether the VM is compliant with the compute policy
encryptedboolWhether the VM is encrypted
totalStorageAllocatedMbintTotal storage allocation in MB
isExpiredboolWhether the VM's storage lease has expired
hostNamestringESXi host for this VM