GitHub organization
login | string | Organization login |
id | int | Organization ID |
nodeId | string | Organization global node ID |
name | string | Organization name |
company | string | Organization company |
blog | string | Organization blog |
location | string | Organization location |
string | Organization email | |
twitterUsername | string | Organization Twitter handle |
avatarUrl | string | Organization profile picture URL |
followers | int | Organization's number of followers |
following | int | Number of organizations the organization is following |
description | string | Organization description |
createdAt | time | Create time for the organization |
updatedAt | time | Update time for the organization |
totalPrivateRepos | int | Number of private repositories |
ownedPrivateRepos | int | Number of owned private repositories for the organization |
privateGists | int | Number of private gists |
diskUsage | int | Disk usage for the organization |
collaborators | int | Number of collaborators for the organization |
billingEmail | string | Organization billing email |
plan | dict | GitHub plan the organization is subscribed to |
twoFactorRequirementEnabled | bool | Whether two-factor authentication is required for all members. This value will be null if the API token does not have owner access on the organization. |
isVerified | bool | Whether the organization is verified by GitHub |
defaultRepositoryPermission | string | The default repository permission |
membersCanCreateRepositories | bool | Whether members can create repositories |
membersCanCreatePublicRepositories | bool | Whether members can create public repositories |
membersCanCreatePrivateRepositories | bool | Whether members can create private repositories |
membersCanCreateInternalRepositories | bool | Whether members can create internal repositories |
membersCanCreatePages | bool | Whether members can create pages |
membersCanCreatePublicPages | bool | Whether members can create public pages |
membersCanCreatePrivatePages | bool | Whether members can create private pages |
membersCanForkPrivateRepos | bool | Whether members can fork private repositories to their own GitHub account |
owners | []github.user | List of users that are part of the owners group |
members | []github.user | List of users that are part of the members group |
teams | [] | List of users that are part of the teams group |
repositories | []github.repository | List of repositories |
installations | []github.installation | List of GitHub installations |
webhooks | []github.webhook | List of webhooks |
packages | []github.package | List of packages |
hasOrganizationProjects | bool | Whether the organization has projects |
hasRepositoryProjects | bool | Whether projects in the organization have projects |