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Supported platform

  • azure


Azure Kubernetes Service cluster


idstringID of the AKS cluster
namestringName of the AKS cluster
locationstringLocation of the AKS cluster
kubernetesVersionstringThe Kubernetes version of the AKS cluster
provisioningStatestringThe provisioning state of the AKS cluster
powerStatestringThe power state of the AKS cluster
tagsmap[string]stringThe tags of the AKS cluster
nodeResourceGroupstringThe node resource group of the AKS cluster
createdAttimeTime the AKS cluster was created
rbacEnabledboolWhether RBAC is enabled for the AKS cluster
fqdnstringThe fully qualified domain name of the AKS cluster
dnsPrefixstringThe DNS prefix of the AKS cluster
storageProfiledictThe storage profile of the AKS cluster
workloadAutoScalerProfiledictThe workload autoscaler profile of the AKS cluster
securityProfiledictThe security profile of the AKS cluster
podIdentityProfiledictThe pod identity profile of the AKS cluster
networkProfiledictThe network profile of the AKS cluster
httpProxyConfigdictThe HTTP proxy config of the AKS cluster
addonProfiles[]dictThe add-on profiles of the AKS cluster
agentPoolProfiles[]dictThe agent pool profiles of the AKS cluster
apiServerAccessProfiledictThe API server access profile
