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Supported platform

  • microsoft365


Microsoft 365 Teams meeting policy configuration


allowAnonymousUsersToJoinMeetingboolWhether anonymous users are allowed to join
allowAnonymousUsersToStartMeetingboolWhether anonymous users are allowed to start the meeting
allowExternalNonTrustedMeetingChatboolWhether external meeting chat is allowed
autoAdmittedUsersstringWho can bypass the lobby
allowPSTNUsersToBypassLobbyboolWhether public switched telephone network (PSTN) users can bypass the lobby
meetingChatEnabledTypestringWhether meeting chat is enabled
designatedPresenterRoleModestringDesignated presenter role mode
allowExternalParticipantGiveRequestControlboolWhether external participants can give or request control of the meeting
allowSecurityEndUserReportingboolWhether users can report security concerns