Google Workspace user accounts
id | string | The unique ID for the user |
familyName | string | The user's last name |
givenName | string | The user's first names |
fullName | string | The user's full name |
primaryEmail | string | The user's primary email address |
recoveryEmail | string | Recovery email of the user |
recoveryPhone | string | Recovery phone of the user |
agreedToTerms | bool | Whether the user accepted the Terms of Service agreement |
aliases | []string | A list of the user's alias email addresses |
suspended | bool | Whether the user is suspended |
suspensionReason | string | The reason a user account is suspended |
archived | bool | Whether the user is archived |
isAdmin | bool | Whether the user has super administrator privileges |
isDelegatedAdmin | bool | Whether the a user is a delegated administrator |
isEnforcedIn2Sv | bool | Whether 2-step verification is enforced |
isEnrolledIn2Sv | bool | Whether the user is enrolled in 2-step verification |
isMailboxSetup | bool | Whether the user's Google mailbox is created |
lastLoginTime | time | User's last login time |
creationTime | time | User's account creation time |
usageReport | | Retrieves latest report for the user |
tokens | []googleworkspace.token | Returns the user-issued tokens to 3rd party applications |