General asset information
name | string | Human readable name of the asset |
ids | []string | All identifiers for this asset |
platform | string | Platform for this asset (redhat, windows, k8s-pod) |
kind | string | Kind of platform, for example:, api, baremetal, virtualmachine, container, container-image, network, ... |
runtime | string | Runtime is the specific kind of the platform. Examples include:, docker-container, podman-container, aws-ec2-instance, ... |
version | string | Version of the platform |
arch | string | Architecture this OS is running on |
title | string | Human-readable title of the platform (e.g., "Red Hat 8, Container") |
family | []string | List of platform families that this platform belongs to |
fqdn | string | Fully qualified domain name (optional) |
build | string | Build version of the platform (optional) |
platformMetadata | map[string]string | Platform Metadata (e.g. key values from /etc/os/release) |
labels | map[string]string | Optional platform information |
annotations | map[string]string | Custom annotations (tags) on the asset |