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Tailscale user


tailscale.user(id string)


idstringUnique identifier for the user
displayNamestringName of the user
loginNamestringEmail-like login name of the user
profilePicUrlstringProfile picture URL for the user
tailnetIdstringTailnet that owns the user
typestringType of relation this user has to the tailnet (member or shared)
rolestringRole of the user (owner, member, admin, etc.)
statusstringStatus of the user, 'active' - Last seen within 28 days, 'idle' - Last seen more than 28 days ago, 'suspended' - Suspended from accessing the tailnet, 'needs-approval' - Unable to join tailnet until approved, 'over-billing-limit' - Unable to join tailnet until billing count increased
deviceCountintNumber of devices the user owns
createdAttimeTime the user joined the tailnet
lastSeenAttimeEither:, a) The last time any of the user's nodes were connected to the network, or, b) The last time the user authenticated to any Tailscale service, including the admin panel