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A Tailscale device (sometimes referred to as node or machine)


tailscale.device(id string)


idstringLegacy identifier for a device
hostnamestringPreferred identifier for a device (not supported yet), nodeId string, Machine name in the admin console
osstringOperating system that the device is running
namestringMagicDNS name of the device
userstringUser who registered the node (For untagged nodes, this user is the device owner.)
tags[]stringAn identity for the device that is separate from human users (used as part of an ACL to restrict access)
addresses[]stringList of Tailscale IP addresses for the device, including both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
clientVersionstringVersion of the Tailscale client software (empty for external devices)
machineKeystringMachine key used by Tailscale (empty for external devices)
nodeKeystringNode key primarily used by Tailscale and required for select operations, such as adding a node to a locked tailnet
tailnetLockErrorstringIssue with the tailnet lock node-key signature on this device (only populated when tailnet lock is enabled)
tailnetLockKeystringNode's tailnet lock key
blocksIncomingConnectionsboolWhether the device is blocked from accepting connections over Tailscale, including pings
authorizedboolWhether the device is authorized to join the tailnet
isExternalboolWhether a device is shared into the tailnet (rather than a member of the tailnet)
keyExpiryDisabledboolWhether key expiration is disabled for the device
updateAvailableboolWhether a Tailscale client version upgrade is available (empty for external devices)
createdAttimeDate when the device was added to the tailnet (empty for external devices)
expiresAttimeExpiration date of the device's auth key
lastSeenAttimeWhen device was last active on the tailnet