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Mondoo Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Resource Pack Reference

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) resource pack lets you use MQL to query and assess the security of your OCI services.

Resources included in this pack:

ociOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) tenancy
oci.compartmentOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) compartment
oci.computeOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Compute
oci.compute.imageOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Compute image
oci.compute.instanceOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Compute instance
oci.identityOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) identity
oci.identity.apiKeyOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) API key (a PEM-format RSA credential)
oci.identity.authTokenOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) token string
oci.identity.customerSecretKeyOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) customer secret key for OCI Object Storage service
oci.identity.groupOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) collection of users
oci.identity.policyPolicy that specifies the type of access a group has to the resources in a compartment
oci.identity.userOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) identity user
oci.networkOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Networking Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) VCN security list virtual firewall rules Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) virtual cloud network (VCN)
oci.objectStorageOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage
oci.objectStorage.bucketOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage bucket
oci.regionOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) region
oci.tenancyOracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) tenancy