Network MQL Resource Pack Reference
The Network resource pack lets you use MQL to query and assess the security of domains and network services.
Resources included in this pack:
certificate | X.509 certificate resource |
certificates | X.509 certificates resource |
dns | DNS resource |
dns.dkimRecord | DKIM public key representation as defined in RFC 6376 |
dns.mxRecord | DNS MX record |
dns.record | DNS record |
domainName | Domain name |
http | HTTP endpoint |
http.get | HTTP GET requests |
http.header | HTTP header |
http.header.contentType | HTTP header Content-Type |
http.header.setCookie | HTTP header Set-Cookie |
http.header.sts | HTTP header Strict-Transport-Security |
http.header.xssProtection | HTTP header X-XSS-Protection, which is now outdated (replaced by CSP) |
openpgp.entities | |
openpgp.entity | OpenPGP entity |
openpgp.identity | OpenPGP identity |
openpgp.publicKey | OpenPGP public key |
openpgp.signature | OpenPGP signature |
pkix.extension | X.509 certificate PKIX extension | | X.509 certificate PKIX name |
pkix.sanExtension | X.509 certificate PKIX Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension |
socket | Socket |
tls | TLS |
url | URL resource, generally represented as: |