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Cloudflare videos and recordings


idstringcnquery resource id
uidstringUnique identifier
creatorstringCreator ID
durationfloatVideo duration in seconds
heightintHeight (px)
widthintWidth (px)
liveInputstringLive input ID
dashstringDash URL
hlsstringHLS URL
previewstringPreview URL
readyboolWhether the video is ready to stream
requireSignedUrlsboolWhether the video can be a accessed using the UID
scheduledDeletiontimeDate and time at which the video will be deleted (No value or a null value means that the video won't be deleted.)
sizeintSize in Bytes
thumbnailstringThumbnail URL
thumbnailTimestampPctfloatTimestamp for a thumbnail image, calculated as a percentage value of the video's duration (To convert from a second-wise timestamp to a percentage, divide the desired timestamp by the total duration of the video. If this value is not set, the default thumbnail image is taken from 0s of the video.)
uploadedtimeTime the video was uploaded