Cloudflare One application
id | string | |
aud | string | UUID |
name | string | Audience tag |
domain | string | Name of the application |
allowedIdentityProviders | []string | Domain of the application |
appLauncherVisible | bool | Allowed identity providers |
autoRedirectToIdentity | bool | Whether the application displays in the App Launcher |
corsHeaders | cloudflare.corsHeaders | Whether users skip the identity provider selection step during login |
optionsPreflightBypass | bool | CORS headers |
customDenyMessage | string | Whether preflight requests are allowed to bypass Access authentication and go directly to the origin (can't be true if corsHeaders is set) |
customDenyUrl | string | Custom error message shown to a user when they are denied access to the application |
serviceAuth401Redirect | bool | Custom URL to redirect a user to when they are denied access to the application |
enableBindingCookie | bool | Whether to return a 401 status code when the request is blocked by a Service Auth policy |
httpOnlyCookieAttribute | bool | Whether to allow the binding cookie, which increases security against compromised authorization tokens and CSRF attacks |
sameSiteCookieAttribute | string | Whether the HttpOnly cookie attribute, which increases security against XSS attacks, is enabled |
logoUrl | string | SameSite cookie setting, which provides increased security against CSRF attacks |
sessionDuration | string | URL of the application's logo |
skipInterstitial | bool | Amount of time that tokens issued for this application will be valid (Format is 300ms or 2h45m. Valid time units are: ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h.) |
type | string | Whether automatic authentication through cloudflared is enabled |
createdAt | time | Application type, Time the application was created |
updatedAt | time | Time the application was last updated |