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Receive Webhook Alerts from Mondoo

Even if Mondoo doesn't have dedicated support for your messaging platform, you can configure Mondoo to send you alerts. A webhook makes this possible. Mondoo's custom webhook integration posts asset alerts as JSON-encoded data to an HTTP endpoint. To learn how to create a webhook, read your messaging platform documentation.

  1. In the Mondoo Console, navigate to the space for which you want to send alerts.

  2. In the side navigation bar, under Integrations, select Add New Integration.

  3. Scroll down to Chat Ops and select Outbound Webhook.

    Configure webhook in Mondoo

  4. On the right side of the page, set the toggle to Enabled.

  5. In the Webhook URL box, paste the URL for your messaging platform's HTTP endpoint URL.

  6. Select the SAVE button.