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Search Your Inventory

You can quickly search an entire organization from the Mondoo Console's top navigation bar. Full-text search allows you to find a text string in every asset name, resource, and field where it occurs. It also lets you find spaces, checks, CVEs, and vendor advisories, all in the same text search.


  • Searching for the Google Cloud project ID luna-discovery can return not only the project asset itself but also storage buckets with that project ID and a Terraform file with the name luna-discovery-backend.

  • You can search for to see all assets in a space that contain Stella's email in any resource field.

  • Search for rds across an entire organization to find all RDS assets in all spaces in the organization plus all RDS-related checks in policies.

Search for assets

  1. In the Mondoo Console, navigate to the organization or space where you want to search.

  2. Locate the search box in the top-right corner of the Mondoo Console.

    Search an organization in the Mondoo Console

  3. Enter search parameters in the search box and press Enter.

  4. Use the drop-down in the top-right corner to change the scope of the search:

    Change search scope in the Mondoo Console

    • To limit your search to the current space, select Search in Space. (This option is available only if you're currently working in a space.)

    • To extend your search to the entire current organization, select Search in Organization.

  5. From the results list, select the asset you want to view.

    To cancel the search, press Esc or select the x on the right side of the search box.