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Remove a Space or Organization

If you're no longer using Mondoo spaces or organizations, you can remove them from your Mondoo account. You can also remove all assets from a space but keep all the security policies, compliance frameworks, and other configuration information.

Remove all assets from a space


Only team members with Editor or Owner access can perform this task.

Removing all assets from a space deletes every asset and the report data on those assets. This action retains the space's security policies, compliance frameworks, team member access settings, audit logs, tokens, and other space settings.


Removing all assets from a space permanently deletes asset data and can't be undone.

  1. Navigate to the space from which you want to remove all assets.

  2. In the side navigation bar, select Settings.

  3. On the General Settings tab, locate the Danger Zone.

  4. Under Delete All Assets, check the I confirm that I want to delete all the assets within this space including all their related content box.

  5. Select the DELETE button on the Delete All Assets row.

Remove a space from a Mondoo organization


Only team members with Owner access can perform this task.

If you no longer need a space in an organization, you can remove the space. This action deletes all the Mondoo data in the space, including (but not limited to) assets, integrations, security policy and compliance framework configuration, and reports.


Removing a space permanently deletes all space data and can't be undone.

  1. Navigate to the space you want to delete.

  2. In the side navigation bar, select Settings.

  3. On the General Settings tab, locate the Danger Zone.

  4. Under Delete Space, check the I confirm that I want to delete this space including all its related content box.

  5. Select the DELETE button on the Delete Space row.

Remove a Mondoo organization


Only team members with Owner access can perform this task.

If you no longer need an organization in your Mondoo account, you can remove the organization. This action deletes all the Mondoo data in the organization, including (but not limited to) spaces, assets, integrations, security policy and compliance framework configuration, and reports.


Removing an organization permanently deletes all organization data and can't be undone.

  1. Navigate to the organization you want to delete.

  2. In the side navigation bar, select Settings.

  3. On the General Settings tab, locate the Danger Zone.

  4. Under Delete Organization, check the I confirm that I want to delete all this organization including all its related content box.

  5. Select the DELETE button.