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Policy Authoring Guide | Make Policies Flexible with Variants

Variants are checks that behave differently based on conditions you define. They're alternative versions of checks.

For example, suppose you want to ensure that Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is restricted from the internet. You want to perform this check both in GCP projects and in Terraform files. You can do this by creating one variant for GCP projects and another for Terraform files:

  • The GCP variant queries if the asset is a GCP project and checks RDP access using the GCP resource.

  • The Terraform variant queries if the asset is a Terraform file and checks RDP access using the Terraform resource.

  • If the asset is neither a GCP project nor a Terraform file, cnspec doesn't execute an RDP check.


cnspec relies on filters to determine which variant to run against an asset. A filter is a condition written in MQL. Any fields you can query about any resources can be the basis for a filter.

To learn more about filters, read Limit Target Assets with Filters.

Create variants

To create variants for a check, you define the variants in a variants section of the check. This tells cnspec that the check is made up of variants, and what those variants are.

- uid: okta-security-example-with-variants
name: Example of a policy that uses variants
version: "1.0.0"
scoring_system: highest impact
- name: Lunalectric
- uid: password-minimum-length
title: Minimum password length
impact: 30
- uid: password-minimum-length-runtime
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-hcl
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-plan
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-state
- uid: password-minimum-length-runtime
title: Minimum password length - runtime variant
filters: asset.platform == "okta-org"
impact: 30
mql: |
okta.policies.password.all( settings['password']['complexity']['minLength'] >= 15 )
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-hcl
title: Minimum password length - Terraform HCL variant
filters: asset.platform == "terraform-hcl" && nameLabel == "okta" )
impact: 30
mql: |
terraform.resources.where( nameLabel == /okta_policy_password/ ).all( arguments['password_min_length'] == /var/ || arguments['password_min_length'] >= 15 )
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-plan
title: Minimum password length - Terraform plan variant
filters: asset.platform == "terraform-plan" && terraform.plan.resourceChanges.contains( providerName == /okta/ )
impact: 30
mql: |
terraform.plan.resourceChanges.where( type == /okta_policy_password/ ).all( change.after['password_min_length'] >= 15 )
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-state
title: Minimum password length - Terraform state variant
filters: asset.platform == "terraform-state" && terraform.state.resources.contains( type == /okta_policy_password/ )
impact: 30
mql: |
terraform.state.resources.where( type == /okta_policy_password/ ).all( values['password_min_length'] >= 15 )

Lines 13-17 in the okta-security-example-with-variants policy establish the variants for the password-minimum-length check. These are the four variants:

  • Lines 18-23 define the password-minimum-length-runtime variant. The filter on line 20 tells cnspec to run this variant only on one condition: The asset is an Okta organization. Line 23 is the check to run if that condition is true.

  • Lines 24-29 define the password-minimum-terraform-hcl variant. The filter on line 26 tells cnspec to run this variant only on one condition: The asset is an Okta Terraform HCL file. Line 29 is the check to run if that condition is true.

  • Lines 30-35 define the password-minimum-terraform-plan variant. The filter on line 32 tells cnspec to run this variant only on one condition: The asset is an Okta Terraform plan. Line 35 is the check to run if that condition is true.

  • Lines 36-41 define the password-minimum-terraform-state variant. The filter on line 38 tells cnspec to run this variant only on one condition: The asset is an Okta Terraform state. Line 41 is the check to run if that condition is true.

Use one property for multiple variants

Often you use variants to ensure that different types of assets have one common property, as in the example above. All of the variants in the okta-security-example-with-variants policy check that the minimum password length is 15; they just check the value using different resources for different assets.

For efficiency and easier maintenance, you can write all four variants to use one property instead of defining 15 multiple times:

- uid: okta-security-example-with-variants
name: Example of a policy that uses variants
version: "1.0.0"
scoring_system: highest impact
- name: Lunalectric
- uid: password-minimum-length
title: Minimum password length
impact: 30
- uid: password-minimum-length-runtime
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-hcl
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-plan
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-state
- uid: password-minimum-length-runtime
title: Minimum password length - runtime variant
filters: asset.platform == "okta-org"
impact: 30
mql: |
okta.policies.password.all( settings['password']['complexity']['minLength'] >= props.minPass )
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-hcl
title: Minimum password length - Terraform HCL variant
filters: asset.platform == "terraform-hcl" && nameLabel == "okta" )
impact: 30
mql: |
terraform.resources.where( nameLabel == /okta_policy_password/ ).all( arguments['password_min_length'] == /var/ || arguments['password_min_length'] >= props.minPass )
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-plan
title: Minimum password length - Terraform plan variant
filters: asset.platform == "terraform-plan" && terraform.plan.resourceChanges.contains( providerName == /okta/ )
impact: 30
mql: |
terraform.plan.resourceChanges.where( type == /okta_policy_password/ ).all( change.after['password_min_length'] >= props.minPass )
- uid: password-minimum-length-terraform-state
title: Minimum password length - Terraform state variant
filters: asset.platform == "terraform-state" && terraform.state.resources.contains( type == /okta_policy_password/ )
impact: 30
mql: |
terraform.state.resources.where( type == /okta_policy_password/ ).all( values['password_min_length'] >= props.minPass )
- uid: minPass
title: Minimum password length
mql: "15"

To check for errors in the policy bundles you write, run cnspec bundle lint BUNDLE-NAME.mql.yaml. For BUNDLE-NAME, substitute the name of your file.

To learn more about properties, read Define Properties.

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