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Query VMware

Rely on cnquery to explore and analyze VMware vSphere data centers, hosts, and clusters, Cloud Director deployments, and ESXI hosts.

cnquery provides the answers you need about every VMware environment. For a list of VMware resources you can query, read Mondoo VMware vSphere Resource Pack Reference, Mondoo VMware Cloud Director Resource Pack Reference, and Mondoo Core Resource Pack Reference.


To analyze and explore your VMware environment with cnquery, you must have cnquery installed on your workstation and access to the VMware environment.

Explore vSphere with the cnquery shell

To launch a shell into your vSphere environment, enter:

cnquery shell vsphere USER@DOMAIN@HOST --ask-pass
USERYour vSphere user ID
DOMAINThe vSphere domain
HOSTThe vSphere IP address

For example:

cnquery shell vsphere mwezi@vsphere.local@ --ask-pass
Enter password:
→ loaded configuration from /Users/mwezi/.config/mondoo/mondoo.yml using source default

Available assets

> 1. (vmware-vsphere)
2. esxi-host2.localdomain (vmware-esxi)
3. esxi-host3.localdomain (vmware-esxi)
4. esxi-host1.localdomain (vmware-esxi)

When prompted, provide your password. When cnquery lists the available assets to query, choose one. You're now in the cnquery shell.

Discover capabilities with the help command

Once inside the shell, use the help command to learn what vSphere resources you can query. This command lists all the vSphere resources:

help vsphere

From the resulting list, you can drill down further. For example, enter this command to list all the vSphere cluster resources you can query:

help vsphere.cluster

From the resulting list, you can drill down even further. You can also learn about available vSphere resources in the Mondoo VMware vSphere Resource Pack Reference.

Answer questions in the cnquery shell

Now that you know how to discover what's possible with cnquery, let's run some actual queries in the shell.

This query asks for a list of data centers, including their names and managed object IDs:

vsphere.datacenters { name moid}
vsphere.datacenters: [
0: {
name: "Luna Datacenter-2"
moid: "Datacenter-datacenter-2"
1: {
name: "Luna Datacenter-1"
moid: "Datacenter-datacenter-1"

This query asks for the maximum number of failed login attempts before an ESXi user is locked out:['Security.AccountLockFailures'][Security.AccountLockFailures]: "5"

This query returns ESXi port group configuration data:['config']['network']['portgroup'] [
0: {
computedPolicy: {
nicTeaming: {
failureCriteria: {
checkBeacon: false
checkDuplex: false
checkErrorPercent: false
checkSpeed: "minimum"
fullDuplex: false
speed: 10.000000
nicOrder: {
activeNic: [
0: "vmnic1"
notifySwitches: true
policy: "loadbalance_srcid"
reversePolicy: true
rollingOrder: false
offloadPolicy: {
csumOffload: true
tcpSegmentation: true
zeroCopyXmit: true
security: {
allowPromiscuous: false
forgedTransmits: false
macChanges: false
shapingPolicy: {
enabled: false
key: ""
spec: {
name: "Network-for-virtual-machines"
policy: {
nicTeaming: {
failureCriteria: {}
offloadPolicy: {}
security: {}
shapingPolicy: {}
vlanId: 0.000000
vswitchName: "vSwitch-Vlan6"
vswitch: ""
1: {
computedPolicy: {
nicTeaming: {
failureCriteria: {
checkBeacon: false
checkDuplex: false
checkErrorPercent: false
checkSpeed: "minimum"
fullDuplex: false
speed: 10.000000
nicOrder: {
activeNic: [
0: "vmnic0"
notifySwitches: true
policy: "loadbalance_srcid"
reversePolicy: true
rollingOrder: false
offloadPolicy: {
csumOffload: true
tcpSegmentation: true
zeroCopyXmit: true
security: {
allowPromiscuous: false
forgedTransmits: false
macChanges: false
shapingPolicy: {
enabled: false
key: ""
spec: {
name: "test2"
policy: {
nicTeaming: {
failureCriteria: {}
offloadPolicy: {}
security: {}
shapingPolicy: {}
vlanId: 100.000000
vswitchName: "vSwitch0"
vswitch: ""
2: {
computedPolicy: {
nicTeaming: {
failureCriteria: {
checkBeacon: false
checkDuplex: false
checkErrorPercent: false
checkSpeed: "minimum"
fullDuplex: false
speed: 10.000000
nicOrder: {
activeNic: [
0: "vmnic0"
notifySwitches: true
policy: "loadbalance_srcid"
reversePolicy: true
rollingOrder: false
offloadPolicy: {
csumOffload: true
tcpSegmentation: true
zeroCopyXmit: true
security: {
allowPromiscuous: false
forgedTransmits: false
macChanges: false
shapingPolicy: {
enabled: false
key: ""
spec: {
name: "test"
policy: {
nicTeaming: {
failureCriteria: {}
offloadPolicy: {}
security: {}
shapingPolicy: {}
vlanId: 0.000000
vswitchName: "vSwitch0"
vswitch: ""
3: {
computedPolicy: {
nicTeaming: {
failureCriteria: {
checkBeacon: false
checkDuplex: false
checkErrorPercent: false
checkSpeed: "minimum"
fullDuplex: false
speed: 10.000000
nicOrder: {
activeNic: [
0: "vmnic0"
notifySwitches: true
policy: "loadbalance_srcid"
reversePolicy: true
rollingOrder: false
offloadPolicy: {
csumOffload: true
tcpSegmentation: true
zeroCopyXmit: true
security: {
allowPromiscuous: false
forgedTransmits: false
macChanges: false
shapingPolicy: {
enabled: false
key: " Network"
port: [
0: {
key: ""
mac: [
0: "00:50:56:b0:24:4d"
type: "virtualMachine"
1: {
key: ""
mac: [
0: "00:50:56:b0:a5:4d"
type: "virtualMachine"
2: {
key: ""
mac: [
0: "00:50:56:91:80:24"
type: "virtualMachine"
3: {
key: ""
mac: [
0: "00:50:56:b0:9d:c9"
type: "virtualMachine"
4: {
key: ""
mac: [
0: "00:50:56:b0:9a:a5"
type: "virtualMachine"
5: {
key: ""
mac: [
0: "00:50:56:91:17:cf"
type: "virtualMachine"
spec: {
name: "VM Network"
policy: {
nicTeaming: {
failureCriteria: {}
offloadPolicy: {}
security: {}
shapingPolicy: {}
vlanId: 0.000000
vswitchName: "vSwitch0"
vswitch: ""
4: {
computedPolicy: {
nicTeaming: {
failureCriteria: {
checkBeacon: false
checkDuplex: false
checkErrorPercent: false
checkSpeed: "minimum"
fullDuplex: false
speed: 10.000000
nicOrder: {
activeNic: [
0: "vmnic0"
notifySwitches: true
policy: "loadbalance_srcid"
reversePolicy: true
rollingOrder: false
offloadPolicy: {
csumOffload: true
tcpSegmentation: true
zeroCopyXmit: true
security: {
allowPromiscuous: false
forgedTransmits: false
macChanges: false
shapingPolicy: {
enabled: false
key: " Network"
port: [
0: {
key: ""
mac: [
0: "00:0c:29:77:7e:9f"
type: "host"
spec: {
name: "Management Network"
policy: {
nicTeaming: {
failureCriteria: {
checkBeacon: false
nicOrder: {
activeNic: [
0: "vmnic0"
notifySwitches: true
policy: "loadbalance_srcid"
rollingOrder: false
offloadPolicy: {}
security: {}
shapingPolicy: {}
vlanId: 0.000000
vswitchName: "vSwitch0"
vswitch: ""

Exit the cnquery shell

To exit the cnquery shell, either press Ctrl + D or type exit.

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