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Query Your Infrastructure

MQL is an easy, lightweight, ultra-fast query language built for searching and filtering infrastructure configuration data. Its data extraction resembles GraphQL, while its intuitive scripting approach is similar to JavaScript.

MQL integrates with hundreds of resources to retrieve information about your infrastructure.

Run standalone queries from the command line


Our interactive cnquery shell, with auto-complete, is the easiest way to query your systems. Learn more.

To run standalone queries from the command line, use the cnquery run command:

cnquery run TARGET -c QUERY
TARGETThe asset to query, such as local or a transport to a remote machine.
QUERYThe MQL query that specifies the information you want.

For a list of supported targets and parameters, use the help command:

cnquery help run


This runs a query against your local system. It returns a list of the services configured on your system along with the boolean value whether each service is running:

cnquery run local -c "services.list { name running }"

This query finds all AWS EC2 instances, across every enabled region within an AWS account, that are configured with a public IP address, and returns the values for the fields instanceId, region, state, tags, and publicIp:

aws.ec2.instances.where( publicIp != '' ) {

This lists all users and returns the values for every field available for the user resource:

users.list { * }

This finds all container repositories used for images in a Kubernetes cluster:

k8s.pods {
name containerImage.repository.fullName )

.map is a function for arrays that takes a given field and extracts it. Unlike block calls ({ .. }), it directly returns the given field.


A fundamental building block for writing queries, resources let you retrieve the configuration of an asset.

These are just a few examples of MQL resources for servers and endpoints on all the platforms that Mondoo supports:

  • platform queries the host for information about the platform, including name, family, release, and more.

  • user retrieves information about users, including the name, UID, GID, home, shell, and more.

  • packages reveals information about packages on the host, including name, version, installed, outdated, and more.

MQL has resources that are platform specific as well. These are some examples:

  • k8s.container lets you explore more than a dozen Kubernetes container configuration details, including imagePullPolicy, workingDir, and whether the container should allocate a TTY for itself.

  • terraform.block queries Terraform block arguments, attributes, and more.

  • windows.hotfix exposes installedOn and installedBy dates and other information about important Windows updates.

For a full list of available resources, enter the help command within the cnquery Shell. This returns the available resources and their descriptions. You can also run help <resource_name> to get more information on a specific resource.


Each resource has fields that you use to return the value of a specific configuration associated with that resource. These are some of the fields from two resource examples above:

  • The fields for platform include name, family, release, and others.

  • The fields for k8s.container include imagePullPolicy, workingDir,readinessProbe, tty, and more. Start off by looking at the platform resource, which is common to all operating systems supported by Mondoo.

Filtering results and retrieving multiple fields

You can filter results and return multiple fields at once:

RESOURCEThe resource for the information you want.
FIELD1The specific field containing the data you want.
FIELD2Another field containing the data you want.
FIELD3Another field containing the data you want.

For example, this command retrieves the name of the running platform, its release number, and the architecture it's running on:

platform { name release arch }

Operators and functions

For information on the MQL operators and functions you can use to write queries, read Write Effective MQL.

Learn more

  • To explore cnquery commands, read the CLI Reference.
  • To explore the capabilities of the MQL language, read the MQL docs.