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cnquery scan

Scan assets with one or more query packs


This command scans an asset using a query pack. For example, you can scan the local system with its pre-configured query pack:

$ cnquery scan local

To manually configure a query pack, use this:

$ cnquery scan local -f bundle.mql.yaml --incognito

cnquery scan [flags]


      --annotation stringToString     Add an annotation to the asset (default [])
--asset-name string User-override for the asset name
--detect-cicd Try to detect CI/CD environments. If detected, set the asset category to 'cicd' (default true)
-h, --help help for scan
--incognito Run in incognito mode. Do not report scan results to Mondoo Platform
--inventory-file string Set the path to the inventory file
--inventory-format-ansible Set the inventory format to Ansible
--inventory-format-domainlist Set the inventory format to domain list
-j, --json Run the query and return the object in a JSON structure
-o, --output string Set output format: compact, csv, full, json, json-v1, json-v2, summary, yaml (default "compact")
--platform-id string Select a specific target asset by providing its platform ID
--props stringToString Custom values for properties (default [])
--querypack querypack-bundle Set the query packs to execute. This requires querypack-bundle. You can specify multiple UIDs
-f, --querypack-bundle strings Path to local query pack file
--trace-id string Trace identifier

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-proxy string   Set proxy for communications with Mondoo Platform API
--auto-update Enable automatic provider installation and update (default true)
--config string Set config file path (default $HOME/.config/mondoo/mondoo.yml)
--log-level string Set log level: error, warn, info, debug, trace (default "info")
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output