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Query AWS

With cnquery, you can explore and interrogate your entire AWS infrastructure. It's like having a powerful search engine for your AWS environment. For example, you can analyze IAM practices, identify containers running across all EKS clusters, or find S3 buckets that don't use encryption... all with a single tool.

cnquery provides the answers you need about every AWS configuration. For a list of AWS resources you can query, read Mondoo Amazon Web Services (AWS) Resource Pack Reference and Mondoo Core Resource Pack Reference.

Connect cnquery with your AWS environment


To analyze and explore your AWS environment with cnquery, you must have:

Verify with a quick AWS query

To quickly confirm that cnquery has access to your AWS environment, run this query from your terminal:

cnquery run aws -c aws.account

cnquery returns the AWS account ID:

> aws.account: aws.account id="aws.account/123456789000"

Next step

You've successfully used cnquery to answer your first question about your AWS account. Now you're ready to explore your AWS environment.