Mondoo Release Highlights January 2025

Identifying risks that threaten your infrastructure just keeps getting easier with Mondoo. This month we introduced a dynamic and flexible way to organize and view your assets, plus we improved the experience of gathering and sharing scanned asset data. Learn about these enhancements and more in our January release highlights.

Organize assets using workspaces 

Need security insights on a specific part of your infrastructure? Create a workspace, a dynamic collection of assets based on criteria you define.

Workspaces are groups of assets within a space that you want to view and assess together. You might create a workspace containing your highest-risk assets and another that focuses on an important project. Mondoo workspaces give you enormous flexibility; you choose what works best for your business goals.

Include assets in (or exclude assets from) a workspace based on any combinations of these attributes:

  • Platform, such as Alpine Linux, Atlassian Jira, AWS S3 bucket, GitHub repository, Kubernetes pod, macOS, Slack team, Terraform plan, and more
  • Platform version, such as 3, 4.5, or 12.75.9
  • Risk rating, such as Critical, High, Medium…
  • Characters in the asset name, such as test, 2024, win, us-east-1, or docker-
  • Kind, such as Container, Network, or Infrastructure as code
  • The general technology family, such as, SaaS, GCP, Azure, or VMware
  • One or more tags or labels assigned by a cloud platform
  • Mondoo annotations that you define, such as team, project, or virtually anything

To learn about the benefits of workspaces and explore use cases, read Mondoo Workspaces: Organize Security Insights by Team, Location, Technology, and Focus.

To learn how you can use workspaces to better organize assets and expose risks, read Plan Your Mondoo Organization and Workspaces in the Mondoo documentation.

Get the information you need about an asset

Now it's easier to consume and share the asset information you need most. This month we improved our asset detail pages to better fit your workflow. 

Risk insights

Quickly assess asset risks with the updated RISK INSIGHTS section, which shows total counts of high and critical findings and vulnerabilities. Click any section to learn about specific findings.

Scan history

Dive into asset configuration with new first and last scan time data.Copy asset data with one clickNow you can easily copy asset information: When you hover over any value, you see the option to copy the data to your clipboard.

Asset overview

Quickly jump to integrations

Dive into integration configuration directly from a scanned asset. A new link on each asset page takes you to the integration that added the asset.

Integration link

Improved CIS benchmarks

Sometimes the best changes are behind the scenes. This month we completed all-new internal tooling to generate CIS benchmark policies in Mondoo Platform. These changes will let us add and improve policies more quickly in the future. We already made a number of small improvements to existing policies:

  • New checks that were previously marked as requiring manual user validation
  • More clear and concise descriptions for each policy
  • Expanded check descriptions, including rationale behind the security concerns
  • New audit and remediation steps in many Linux distribution policies
  • Simplified MQL queries to improve readability
  • Additional platform version tags to improve searching for policies
  • Improved policy search results when searching for platform versions

Find and fix the security risks that pose the biggest threat to your business.

New and improved MQL resources


  • Expose Extensions values


  • New parameters field


  • Update options field to an array of options instead of a single string


  • New kubeletPort field
  • New nodeInfo field
  • New created field


  • New encryption field


  • Support macOS Sequoia (15) assets


Query Microsoft 365 applications by ID or name:

microsoft.application(id: "2efd0330-112c-4971-ab20-eaa54c.....") { * }microsoft.application(name: "nametest") { * }


  • Fetch all applications in large installations


  • New applyable field
  • New errored field
  • New variables field using the new terraform.plan.variable resource

Letha Dunn

Letha has been writing about technology for more than thirty years. During the past decade, she’s focused on educating engineers about identity and access management, security, CI/CD, and project velocity. Letha lives in the Pacific Northwest, where she rescues and rehabilitates abused and neglected horses and dogs.

Tim Smith

Tim Smith is a Product Manager at Mondoo. He’s been working in web operations and software development roles since 2007 and port scanning class As since 1994. He downloaded his first Linux distro on a 14.4 modem. Tim most recently held positions at Limelight Networks, Cozy Co, and Chef Software.

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