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Google Container Registry

The Container Registry allows you to store container images within Google Cloud. To learn about the Google Cloud container registry, read the Container Registry Get Started Guide.


Providers are the components of cnspec that allow it to evaluate specific platforms. To learn how to manage cnspec providers most efficiently for containers, read Manage cnspec Providers.


Install the gcloud command and log in using gcloud auth login.

Set your project:

$ gcloud config set project <projectID>

Updated property [core/project].

List all available container repositories:

$ gcloud container images list


List the repositories' tags:

$ gcloud container images list-tags<projectID>/<repoName>

e5dd9abc37df latest 2020-03-20T20:20:23
a98d9dcf3a34 16.04 2020-02-21T23:22:30
0925d0867157 18.04 2020-02-21T23:20:44
61844ceb1dd5 19.04 2020-01-16T02:20:47

To authenticate with the registry, log in with gcloud

gcloud auth configure-docker


To scan an individual repository, enter:

cnspec scan container registry<projectID>/<repoName>

→ loaded configuration from /Users/suki/.config/mondoo/mondoo.yml
Start the vulnerability scan:
→ resolve asset connections
→ verify platform access to a98d9dcf3a34
→ gather platform details
→ detected ubuntu 16.04
→ gather platform packages for vulnerability scan
→ found 96 packages
✔ completed analysis for a98d9dcf3a34
→ verify platform access to 0925d0867157
→ gather platform details
→ detected ubuntu 18.04
→ gather platform packages for vulnerability scan
→ found 89 packages
✔ completed analysis for 0925d0867157
→ verify platform access to 61844ceb1dd5
→ gather platform details
→ detected ubuntu 19.04
→ gather platform packages for vulnerability scan
→ found 89 packages
✔ completed analysis for 61844ceb1dd5
→ verify platform access to e5dd9abc37df
→ gather platform details
→ detected ubuntu 18.04
→ gather platform packages for vulnerability scan
→ found 89 packages
✔ completed analysis for e5dd9abc37df
Advisory Reports Overview
0.0 a98d9dcf3a34 ══════════
0.0 0925d0867157 ══════════
4.6 61844ceb1dd5 ══════════
0.0 e5dd9abc37df ══════════

Google Cloud also ships with non-standard extensions to search images on your project level. To use those extensions, use the gcp gcr provider:

cnspec scan gcp gcr <projectID>